Friday, January 31, 2020

Never Be Afraid to Walk

It sounds so simple.  Walking.  Imagine taking what you have invested, developed, changed and helped grow.  At times, consuming everything that you are.  And choosing to walk.  At the same time having thoughts of fear.  What if I don’t like my journey? What if I regret my walk? 

When I was younger, it was so much easier to just walk.  I had little invested so what did I have to lose.  Now older, making the decision to walk is different.  Less careless.  Wanting to make sure the torch is carried. 

I thought about walking a long time ago.  I chose not to out of duty; out of obligation.  Carrying a silent burden while seeming everything was fine.  Having it take its toll.  Sacrificing my happiness and my health. 

Now the opportunity presents itself.  The thought of something different.  Change. I decided that I deserve and want better.  Better than obligation.  Better than duty.  I want to live.  I want freedom.  I want the unknown.

And this is life.  You can choose to live comfortably and slowly watch yourself turn into something else or you can choose to listen to your intuition; your inner voice.  You can choose to live.