Saturday, January 2, 2010

Effectively Multitasking

Multitasking can be challenging and tricky. It requires you to have a pulse on several moving parts and takes practice to develop this skill. Here are some tips I’ve found useful.
  • Be organized. Create folders, a filing system, binders or simply a notebook containing meeting highlights. Make sure this system is easy for you to retrieve information quickly when needed.
  • Put everything in its place. Spend some time each day to file, organize email, and check messages. These things tend to snowball quickly. Deferring this can create a bigger job and dedicated amount of time to do later.
  • Delegate or seek help. Learning to delegate is a necessary skill. If there is no one to delegate to, there is no problem asking a colleague or friend to help you. If they do, you will be able to divide and conquer.
  • Outsource tasks that may not be necessary for YOU to do. This could be in the form of hiring a consultant, having someone else clean your house or mow your lawn.
  • Follow up. One thing that I’ve learned is that it’s okay to delegate, but you are still responsible. Following up and knowing what the status is will be critical for you to “get your arms around everything”.



  1. Thanks for the great tips, I have been forgetting to check my voice com everyday since the holidays and boy was it forever getting through it!

    Yours in Health, Robin

  2. Robin,
    Glad these tips could help and good to meet you.

